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Our approach to sustainable business.
For your sustainable business.

A value chain that is both robust and sustainable is the backbone of your business. This is where you make the difference. For your customers. For your suppliers. For the planet.

We support you in putting your roadmap towards sustainable business to the test. And together we will find suitable solutions for climate protection, circular economy and social responsibility.

The four steps of your sustainable management


This step is about systematically measuring and documenting the impacts of your processes and products.

This includes collecting data on resource consumption, emissions, waste generation and other relevant metrics.

In this way, you identify the high-impact areas and track your progress towards achieving your sustainability goals.


This step is about communicating your sustainability goals and progress towards them to relevant stakeholders - your employees, investors, customers, partners and the public.

This includes making the data of your actual CO2 emissions along your value chain transparent and accessible.

This is how you fulfil your accountability obligations and create trust.


This step is about reducing the consumption of raw materials, energy and materials.

This includes analysing where waste occurs based on energy flows and identifying opportunities to increase efficiency and avoid this waste.

Energy conservation measures, waste reduction and circular economy strategies help to reduce your company's footprint.


This step is about replacing less sustainable raw materials, materials or products with environmentally friendly offerings.

This includes thinking about alternatives in design, purchasing, production and transport and offering sustainable products and packaging.

The joint introduction of end-to-end processes leads to a more sustainable supply chain overall.

The five building blocks of our framework

The framework provides you with a viable lever for addressing the challenges you currently face: Climate change, pollution, resource scarcity. By adopting sustainable practices, you minimise your company’s carbon footprint.

You reduce your emissions and conserve your resources. You help preserve our planet for future generations and reduce the risks associated with pollution.

The framework helps you make your supply chain more efficient, reduce costs and improve the management of your critical resources. Your company becomes more attractive to customers, employees and investors who increasingly value environmentally sustainable business practices. You become part of the solution and more competitive in the long term in today’s fast-changing environment.

Integrated Reporting and Steering

Elastic sustainability data is important for your company to be able to manage supply chains and measure progress. Your company, like your customers and suppliers, needs to understand the impacts of your actions, and you need to comply with various pieces of legislation. Integrated reporting meets the needs of your stakeholders and turns environmental and social risks into opportunities.


Read our article on the Sustainability Framework

Let’s talk!

+49 6221 3304-0
Your contacts at cbs:
Michael Hertel
Member of the Executive Board
Lars Neitzert
Lead Sustainability Consulting