Agile Template Design for SAP S/4HANA
Many companies still have a large number of heterogeneous SAP systems. With traditional approaches, building a new ONE Digital Core in this complex environment takes forever. Agile methods enable the development of business-specific templates that can be executed after just a few months.
In today’s world, the old waterfall methodology, with its extensive paperwork and lengthy discussions about non-system-related process diagrams, is no longer fit for purpose. The business must be involved from an early stage. The aim is to rapidly create “products” and provide suitable small process packages as a basis for obtaining direct feedback: for example, all the processes required by a small sales unit. We don’t describe all the requirements for all processes from A to Z. Instead, we take an inventory and then decide which part we want to implement in the first product.
Our consultants create a microcosm. This has the advantage of enabling companies, in the next step, to immediately go live and test the product in the real world. We rapidly develop a new SAP template in a dynamic and targeted manner – with the exact amount of agility that template development within an ERP environment can take. The aim is to ascertain whether we are on the right track and what the process owners think.
We tackle small pieces at a time, one small part of the vast process landscape of a billion-dollar corporate group. We do this in line with the saying: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Only once this small template is up and running do we move on to the following product. We follow an iterative template approach. A product is developed in just three months in close coordination with the business departments.