Business Process Management

Design digital business processes company-wide
Tap the full potential with the cbs Process Improvement Framework!

It provides answers to the most important questions:

  • What are my most important or critical processes and how do I identify them?
  • How can I improve my processes and where do I start to optimise them?
  • How does my business compare to my competitors?
  • What is the best approach to optimising my processes?
  • Do I have a complete understanding and deep knowledge of my processes?
  • Are my processes currently too complex?

We accompany you from the search for the best improvement approach to the implementation and monitoring of the optimised processes. Our process improvement framework combines reliable approaches such as Six Sigma, Lean principles and iterative continuous improvement processes (CIP) with state-of-the-art methods and tools to unlock the full optimisation potential.

Our process analysis provides useful answers to identify the processes with the greatest optimisation potential. We identify your critical processes and prioritise them. We start a pain-point analysis and draw comparisons of processes through benchmarking. The end result is a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of process improvement potentials in terms of business benefits, efficiency, innovation and simplification potential.

Our offer:

Process consulting from the quality leader

Oliver Dorsner
We find answers to current strategic challenges, volatile market situations and new customer requirements and accompany companies with all questions on their way into the digital future.
Oliver Dorsner, Consulting Director
Process Mining:

The smart way to create transparency!

What are my critical processes and how do I recognise them?

How well do I know my processes?

These are questions many industrial companies ask themselves. And further:

How can I quickly gain insight into the processes?

How harmonised are my processes?

How can I verify my pain points with data?

Can process automation improve my process performance?

Our consulting services:

We X-ray your systems and processes

  • We use process mining tools to visualise and analyse the current as-is process flows from IT systems such as SAP or Salesforce based on event logs.
  • On this basis, we analyse processes, their deviations and their frequency faster than with a regular approach such as data analysis or workshops
  • Process mining tools act as an x-ray for your IT systems and processes – the tools show the processes as they are processed in the IT systems
  • cbs management consultants can use their process and IT expertise in combination with process mining to carry out root cause analyses of bottlenecks or compliance problems even faster

Our partners:

Your contact person
Karthick Suseela Murugesan
Manager, cbs Asia Pacific