For companies using SAP GTS, the switch to e4H implies the need for a state-of-the-art authorization concept. When it comes to implementing Fiori in a GTS-context for the first time, system administrators see themselves confronted with new challenges. At the same time, the introduction of the new lay-out and the new navigation logic, bears huge potential in terms of usability improvements. A modular, tailor-made authorization concept is a key factor to a successful, sustainable, and value-adding transition to GTS e4H.
For companies using SAP GTS, the planning of a changeover to GTS e4H is in full swing. The same applies to many of cbs´ long standing GTS customers: their system administration teams do now face the challenge of modernizing their landscapes in the most effective way.
The characteristics of this changeover to GTS e4H vary significantly from one company to another depending on their own circumstances. Good preparation and thoughtful planning are key success factors. Our experts help customers along every step of the way. Basing on our experience in previous projects as well as in preliminary studies, we support customers prioritizing crucial aspects of their analysis, planning and implementation. In practice, this means putting business-value first, making it a priority above most other considerations of technical nature. Neither the most innovative database technology nor the newest, high-end technical background processes will make sense in a business context if the users hardly notice any visible benefits.
Making the added-value of the technological edge visible
With the introduction of e4H, and for the first time in a GTS-context, SAP introduces their newest user experience technology – SAP Fiori. The new user interface and its renewed navigation logic make innovations visible to the business.
Good preparation, planning and implementation of the GTS authorization concept play an essential role in enabling this user interface elements to work efficiently. Keeping the concept´s maintenance as simple as possible, so it can last for many years, is also our every design´s priority.
Before GTS e4HANA, the user´s activities inside the GTS system started at the so-called GTS area menu, inside the GUI interface. In GTS e4HANA Systems, the Fiori Launchpad becomes the user´s new starting point and the new work environment. As a result, companies shall expect their GTS users to “re-learn” a significant part of their past knowledge on how to operate the GTS tool. If the new user interfaces are not planned and designed thoroughly, this initial “re-adjustment” phase is sure to be much more problematic for end-users, who get sometimes demotivated, even overwhelmed. This situation is precisely what companies prevent and avoid by investing enough time in planning a good authorization AND user interface concept.
Established Best Practices for the UX Age
Latest since the introduction of the Fiori technology, authorization administrators started playing a key role in terms of increasing the launchpad´s user-friendliness. Whenever customer have a well-structured, modular authorization concept that can be easily adapted and extended, designing and adjusting the new user interfaces gets considerably more transparent, faster and easier.
At cbs, the design of specialized GTS authorization concepts has a long tradition. High-quality authorization management is an integral part of our project methodology. Our SAP Authorization experts have many years of experience in designing, building, testing, deploying, and maintaining SAP Fiori authorization concepts. We accompany our customers in their journey to an optimized authorization concept, starting from the preliminary study, through go-live, hypercare, and beyond – Application Management Services as well as Experts on Demand offers are also a good option for out customers to get support with their day-by-day authorization topics.

At your own pace to the optimal GTS e4H Fiori authorization concept
From preliminary studies to go-live, we offer many flexible options for supporting companies and their authorization administrators with the introduction of GTS e4H Fiori user interfaces. In many cases, an existing GTS11 authorization concept can serve as a basis for the future concept, which is evaluated, adapted, and extended to include new applications along the implementation of GTS e4H.
Starting with the technical set-up of the Fiori Launchpad, through the activation of the first services and catalogs, to the creation of the first authorization roles: our team of experts supports our customer’s IT team. The experience of our GTS team with Fiori Apps ensures that the role concept is tailor-made to meet the needs of the GTS processes.
There are several different options available for our customers to get support with the design/refurbishing of their concepts. These options vary in duration and scope, depending on our customer´s needs: from accompanying coaching approaches up to complete technical implementations from a single source, many variations are possible.
In our GTS authorization concepts, we place particular emphasis on sustainability and flexibility: both aspects are closely linked and must be considered in conjunction with each other. Good authorization concepts mean an initial investment that only makes sense if the company benefits from it for many years. At the same time, a certain degree of flexibility is essential for an authorization concept to stand the test of time. Especially in the initial phases of a GTS-e4H transformation project, a compromise between “experimentation”, “goal-oriented process design” and “optimized user interfaces” needs to be reached, which cannot be done without some adjustments and re-sharpening. Our methodology for building GTS role concepts provides the necessary flexibility, while avoiding wild growth and non-transparent configurations.
The sustainability aspect does also imply involving the company´s own team of authorization administrators in every step of the concept implementation: this helps protect the company´s investment and prevent risks at the same time.